Requir ements: Option to create Video OR Essay entry Essay must be 1500-2000 words Video must be no greater than 5 minutes Submission Dea dline: Friday , December 13th, 2024 Submit en tries to : info @positivefar mers .ie Prizes : Winner: €500 C ash Pri ze Runner-U p: €300 Cas h Prize Benefits for All Participants: Shortlisted En tries : Free ticket to the Positiv e Far mers Confe rence 2 025 Farmwal k Oppor tunity : All entrants eligible for a far mwalk at a top-pe rfo r ming dairy far m in sum mer 2025 Competition High lights: Judg i ng Pan el : Expert panel to eval ua te en tries Finalists: Shortlisted en tran ts from each ag ricultural ins titut e Announcement : Winners reveal ed at the conference on January 1 5th, 202 5 Conference Admission: Shortli sted finalists recei ve a co mpl imen tary conf erence ti cket Each rep resented agricul tural ins titute gets a free conference ticke t Conference D eta ils : Explore the fu ture of dairy fa rming Farm with clarity and confidence while increasing profits Engage w i th i ndust ry l eaders Networki ng oppo rtuni ti es Contact Informa tion: For inquiri es, emai l; i nfo @positivefar mers .i e Don't miss your chance to shape the futu re of I rish dai rying! Submit your e ntry and be par t of the Posi tive Far mers mo vem ent.
Pathways to Progress Essay Competition: Open to 3rd Le vel Ag Students - Option to cr e ate Video OR Essay entry Topic: Risk and Resilience in Irish Dairy Farm Systems
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